Monday, August 16, 2010

Thought you might want to see a 20 weeks Picture!

August News...

Everything is going great...I'm sitting here typing with
one hand while the other is holding nico...he is in
good health besides a little eye infection....he has
been awake alot lately so we have really been
enjoying the eye contact and interaction...the "bun"
...or as we call it, kidney bean, is also in good health
...we are not going to find out the sex this time :) ...
this typically drives everyone crazy but we thought it
would be fun...we had our 20 wk ultrasound on
Friday and the baby moved its tiny little fingers and also opened its eyes and looked at us...
well, in the direction of the camera!!!! So cool! Garrett
started middle school last doesn't seem
possible...We went school shopping and he picked
out some really grown up styles along with cologne
...He is so cute! ("Lord hear our prayers")...anyways,
he is loving middle school so far... Jake and I have
been running around like crazy trying to pick out
things for the house and we're also out checking
the lot frequently...I'm back to school now
we both have to work and finding spare time for
family and the house can be top it off
Garrett just started football...2 hour practices 3
nights a week...

Yes, life is busy...but fun! Thanks for all the
birthday wishes...I had a wonderful day with my
Enjoy the photos!
Miss you and much love to all...