Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nicolas' History...

Here is a little history on Nicolas's health and what they have been dealing with...

April, 21, 2008
We went to the hospital 3 Mondays ago because Nicolas' pediatrician wanted to have some tests run and also thought he saw Nicolas have a seizure during an office visit...Once on the peds floor at Parkview North we began to see a Ped's Neurologist, a Geneticist, Speech Therapist, Ped's ENT...And the testing began...Nicolas has had an MRI, EEG, CT scan, Echo-Cardiogram, 5 days of drawing the maximum blood amounts for testing, Upper GI barium study and a swallow study...As of that Friday he was NOT having seizures and everything had comeback negative (meaning everything was fine with our little Nicolas) EXCEPT....the last of those...during the Upper GI study and swallow study they found out that food was coming back up after going down and entering his lungs...which we initially thought would be fixed with a little Zantac and another med used to strengthen that muscle around the tummy and esophagus...but after visiting with a Pediatric Surgeon Friday night he informed us that we needed to have surgery on his little tummy and put in a feeding tube...Aspirating is very serious...apparently there is an increased chance for infection, pneumonia, and SIDS...He explained that we needed to be back in the NICU so that Nicolas can be put on monitors and watched very closely! We were pretty shocked when we heard all of this and 2 days later our 7 week 5 day old baby was in surgery for 2 hours. Since then he has recovered nicely and our tube feed are up to 2 ounces every 3 hours! And in a weeks time he has put on 1lb!!!! Something he has not been able to do since birth! As of last night he weighs 7 lb. 12 oz.!! We are so excited! I never dreamed that I would be feeding my baby through a tube in his belly...time will tell how long he is to have this feeding tube BUT until it is out know it is a pretty amazing feeling to know I am feeding him ALL the nutrients he needs and he WILL grow! He is such a happy baby and we love him dearly! I can't wait for you to meet him!

Date: Sunday, April 27, 2008
We had a bit of a rough week...Nicolas had a bad Wednesday and is still recovering from something....the jury is still out on what that "something" was...he went back on IV fats and proteins AND they took away tube feeds for the first 24 we are gradually increasing tube feeds and he is up to an ounce every three hours...initially he lost weight but now we are back to gaining...Recently they found out that Nicolas was low on an Amino Acid SO that has prompted them add a supplement to his food every 8 hours and to do more blood work...we will find out about mid week what some of the test results are and go from there...

He looks much better than he did 4 days ago...he was given some antibiotics and that has seemed to help! Thank goodness!

It looks like we are going to be here another couple of weeks! This latest issue for Nicolas has really sparked a desire in our Dr.s to get some answers for baby Nicolas...there are 9 Dr.s that are currently working together and doing everything they can...please pray for them...

Your thoughts and prayers are still needed...and greatly appreciated!
Love Always,

Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008
As it turns out Nicolas had a form of influenza last week...he is getting better...He still has some congestion, runny nose, and tiny bit of a cough...BUT his color looks great, strength is coming back, and weight is back up!

We just met with the geneticist tonight and we are still waiting for several tests to return...She is still uncertain as to what may be causing the spasms...

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