Monday, December 8, 2008

Our weekend...

It started off with the Nutcracker!  Grandma Peggy watched Nicolas while Jake, Garrett and I had a lovely dinner and enjoyed a beautiful Garrett (believe it or not) looks forward to every year..."Its tradition...we have to go"...he told us!  We purchased Garrett another Nutcracker while there...which brings the grand total to 17!!!  Crazy!  Then Garrett and I made Christmas cookies at Mema's on Saturday with Jack, Will, Kimra, and Shannon...Jake stayed home with Nicolas.  On Sunday Garrett and I made chocolates at home...other than that it was a fairly lazy day.  

Throughout the weekend Nicolas had a few moments where he seemed warm and a little congested...and on Sunday he was running a we gave him Tylenol and that helped.  Today I took him in to see his pediatrician and found out Nicolas has an ear infection.  So he is on an antibiotic and we are going to give him breathing treatments to help break up the congestion.

Overall he seems fairly well...a little cranky at times but an ear infection will do that to ya!  Mostly he is snugly!  I love that!

Hopefully this won't last long!


Anonymous said...

Christmas is a joyful time full of blessings. I continue to pray for you and your family. I know you a great mother who is doing an awesome job taking care of her boys. Have a great Christmas!
Love, Kristy Beachy

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family . You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers . Have a Merry Christmas !!

Megan Woods Schneider

Aunt Karen Strom said...

Merry Christmas,
I enjoyed the photos. We just welcomed our new grand-daughter Mayana home from China tonight. So Christmas for the family will be later on after they adjust.
We continue to pray for all of you.
Aunt Karen Strom