Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our ENT Visit

Yesterday we met with Dr. Reddy...which we thought was going to be a consultation prior to surgery...from what was said at Riley we were under the assumption that the obstruction was due to the tonsils and adenoids...Well, this appointment was for us to find out what exactly was causing the obstruction.  Dr. Reddy scoped Nicolas and said that his tonsils and adenoids are small and that his airways are open.  The obstruction is due to a Pharyngeal collapse (floppy airways).  This happens twice an hour.  He does not recommend any surgery to remove anything because that wouldn't rid Nicolas of an obstruction.  He will continue use of oxygen because at this time the oxygen is helping but if Nicolas continues to have a difficult time breathing, seems uncomfortable or gets worse he will need a trach.   A trach will remove the obstruction and his breathing will be quiet and less labored.  We would still have to suction secretions.   I'll let you know more about a trach once I learn more about it.

Due to what we now know, we have many questions for our doctors at Riley.  We meet with developmental peds at the end of May...hopefully they'll have some answers.  This is not what we expected to hear from the ENT...  Good news would have been "lets remove the tonsils and adenoids" ...this, we are not sure what to think... It's a new symptom and that has us extremely concerned...especially since his sleep study in August (6 months old) came back normal and our latest sleep study didn't.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.  
We need them!


Anonymous said...

As a mother to a mother, i am humbled by this witness.
God's glory is on your face.
This precious son with draw all who know him, closer to Him, the Creator.

God's peace to all!

The Leman Family said...

Amen! Who ever our anonymous writer is...

God is using them in ways to bring honor and glory to him. I believe our Heavenly Father has straightens them and is a testimony to each of us in trusting God each day and every moment of our life.

Love you Baby sister and Jake....I couldn't be more prouder of the two of you. And thank you Jesus Christ for the day to day needs you are giving them.

Love you bunches!

Aunt Karen Strom said...

We continue to pray for all of you and for the healing touch of Jesus on his body.

Love you,
Aunt Karen