Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

I made it home just in time to watch Garrett's 1st swim meet for the his heats he placed 1st in team medley relay, 1st in the backstroke, 4th in butterfly, 2nd in the individual medley, and 1st in the freestyle relay...we will find out the final results this week when he gets his ribbons...He is quit the swimmer...and eating us out of house and home...we tease him about being on the Michael Phelps diet!  We are so proud of him!

We just tucked Nicolas in...gave him all his meds (all 12 of them now that we acquired some new ones), mixed his NEW formula, and hooked him up to the pump...For the next week he will be on pump feeds 24 hours a day...This gives him a slow and small amount all day long...once we get through the next 7 days and feel that he is tolerating the new formula than we we try some bolus feeds (with the big syringe) during the day and continue pump feeds at night... I don't think they will completely wean us off the pump because they want to see him grow and hopefully at night he won't burn as many calories.  We'll see!

We scheduled many follow up many to write about I'll let you know about them the closer they get...Before leaving Riley we did pick out his new wheel chair, a big boy bed, positional pillows, and a bath chair!  Once they get approval from our insurance company, they will place the order!  So exciting! 

We are tired...but so glad to be home...tucked into our own beds...the whole family together again!

Good night...
Love to all!


The Leman Family said...

So glad you are all home, safe and together. We love you!!!!

Aunt Karen Strom said...

Jake, have a happy Father's Day. You are an awesome dad.

Leila said...

My deffinition of a hero is not only represented in your brave little guy,but also his mom and dad spending hours traveling to and from medical visits, sitting for long hours in waiting rooms, and at bed side. The understanding between you both as you put your needs aside for your sons.
Also the support I see from reports in your blog and visits with Mare, that Garret has given his little brother. He was an only child for so long and could have been very resentful of the time and attention this new member of your family requires,but instead he is helpful to the max and charishes his brother like we all would like to be charished.
What a Heroic Family!!!! love Leila