Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Completing The Tour of Fort Wayne Hospitals!

Well...it was a good run...but we had to take Nico to the hospital yesterday. Valentine's night Nico seemed to have some trouble breathing, was very congested and had a fever of 101.8. Motrin brought it down pretty quickly and a few breathing treatments seemed to help some but we had to put him on oxygen overnight. With that being said, I thought he should be seen by his pediatrician. So yesterday afternoon we went to see Dr. O'Brien...he tried a breathing treatment but ended up sending us to Lutheran Main (South)...he wanted us to go to a hospital that has a PICU...just in case....but right now we are in Peds room 329. He has an IV pushing extra fluids, antibiotics, and a steroid...they have taken blood samples to check for dehydration...and a chest x-ray...So far the chest x-ray shows that he has Bronchiolitis...this is an inflammation of the bronchioles which is typically virus related.
He looks pretty good... We are hoping to be home prior to Nicolas' 2nd birthday on Friday...but time will tell!
Pray for a speedy recovery and no additional infections!
Much Love,

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