Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Swallow Study results...

Well...we found out that little Nicolas is still aspirating. Because of this, we will not be able to begin oral feeds. The Speech therapist said we will try the Swallow Study again in a month. That does not mean he will be unable to leave the NICU...it just means we will continue to feed Nicolas via his g-tube. We also found out that he is not refluxing...the surgery was a success! AND the last thing we found out..."the plumbing works"...his bowels are working just fine. Good news!

On an interesting note...I want to thank my sister again for creating this blog...she didn't know it at the time but because of this she has helped us in our efforts to find a cure for lil' Nicolas. After reading the blog, Anna, one of Jake's co-workers contacted us and informed us that she went through something very similar with her daughter. Anna has given us great hope! Our doctors plan to contact her daughter's doctors to discuss symptoms and treatment options for Nicolas. This may or may not be the answer...but we are hopeful! Thank you Kimra for helping us to connect with Anna...And thank you Anna for helping us and Lil' Nicolas. I'm sure God had His hand in this too! Through Him all things are possible! If anything, it feels good knowing that Nicolas is NOT alone in his symptoms and we will continue our efforts to find a cure!

I'll keep you posted on whats to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks GOD for wonderful sisters! I am glad you are there for each other. Praying for little Lil Nicholas.

Love, Angie