Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pray for us...

Tonight Felisa, Jake and Nicolas are on their way to Indianapolis for the next two nights. Both parents are anxious for Nicolas and the procedure scheduled for tomorrow. The doctors will be putting him under to slide a camera down his throat to view the area from his first surgery, the stomach and parts for the large intestine. The doctors will be looking to see if he is still reflexing, which they think he is.

Nicolas is still having spasms, so the results of this will tell of the doctors what the next steps are for Nicolas. If he is not reflexing anymore they will have to look into other answers.

We will wait, pray for Gods guidance with the doctors and peace for the parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Felisa and Jake,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know that God will hear our prayers and help heal little Nicolas. Have faith and be strong.
Love you,