Friday, May 2, 2008

A new day...

Dear Family & Friends,

For the past several days Nicolas has had to put up with a nasty rash on his poor little bottom. This is probably a result to all the antibiotics he has been on...but it has been very irritating to him. We are leaving it open to air during the day and using his prescription strength "magic butt cream" during the night. Besides his bottom, he also has been gassy lately (he is definitely his father's son) SO between the two he has moments of being a little cranky...Right now, he is sleeping peaceful in his bed while listening to some classical music. He loves his really is soothing to him! The neonatologists have begun to ween him off of the IV of TPN (proteins, fats, and electrolytes) because Nicolas is now "belly-bonging" 55 ml! He is still gaining... We are anxious to do the Swallow Study...that is when Nicolas will have to drink barium and they will do flash x-rays and follow the barium through the digestive system...From that we will learn how effective his swallow is, if he is not aspirating, if he is able to begin oral feeds, if he is still refluxing, and how well his stomach and intestines aid in digestion. That was a test ordered today but we have not yet been notified of a scheduled time. This is the last test for Nicolas here at Parkview North. There are a few specialists at IU Medical Center that our group of doctors thought may be beneficial for us to see...we are not certain yet if that is necessary and if it is, when that visit will take place. In order to leave the NICU Nicolas must have had his Swallow Study, be up to full feeds, off IVs, and shown consistent weight gain. Each and every day Nicolas continues to get bigger and grow stronger...considering his is beautifully amazing to watch! He is more alert and awake during the day and sleeps more peacefully. We continue to pray that God gives our doctors and nurses wisdom and that he puts his healing hands upon Nicolas!

Love to all,

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