Friday, February 20, 2009

Pirate Party's!!!

The Meyers Family...
Reading my pirate book!
I buried treasure in my pocket!
Pirate Camden

The Baker Family...

Pirate Andrew and Pirate Jacob
Two Pirates wishing Nicolas a Happy Birthday!
-Uncle Joe and Aunt Lynne

The Stein Family...(Tom and Christy)
Pirate Tommy
Pirate Aaliyah
Hey Guys, 
Hope Nicolas had a Happy Birthday!  What a wonderful idea the birthday box was.  The kids loved the books and Tommy liked to dress up like a pirate.  We had Cassandra make the cupcakes which were good.  Tell Nicolas that we can't wait to see him and we love him lots and lots.
Love Tom and Christy and kids

The Leman Family...
Jack, Tim, Kimra (Ms. baby Leman in mommy's tummy) and William
We enjoyed pizza and a movie!
Cool Pirate Brothers!

Pirate Jack

Pirate William
The Brower Family...
Pirate Brielle and Pirate Jake

Yummy cupcakes!
To Nicolas

We hope you had a great day and a wonderful 1st birthday.  We had a lot of fun celebrating here in Indy, but wish we could have spent it with year :) We made cupcakes, lit a candle for you and made a wish that your second year is even better than your wonderful first.  We are so proud of you and the little man you have become.  You have been through a lot and have been quite the tropper.  You are so lucky to have such amazing parents and big brother that love you so much.  We love you so much too and can't wait to see you again.  Happy Birthday little pirate!!

From the Browers
Aunt Danae, Uncle Jake, and Pirate Brielle

More Pirate party pictures soon!

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